

海岸研の変遷 / CEL History

海岸研のルーツ / CEL’s roots

海岸・沿岸環境研究室の前身である土木工学第二講座(後の水工学第二講座)は東京大学創設以来の講座であり,我が国の港湾工学を中心とする学術・技術の発展の一端を担ってきたが,発足から長らく講座研究室が設置されていなかった.本間仁教授(当時)の指示を受けた堀川清司大学院研究奨学生(当時)が海岸工学を専攻し,1954年に専任講師に任命された際に講座研究室が設置されたのが本研究室の起源であり,助教授であった1957年から1959年に客員助教授としてカリフォルニア大学バークレー校に滞在した経験も加えて,本格的な海岸工学の教育研究が行われるようになった.当時の研究環境などについては、海岸・沿岸環境研究室概史(PDF, html)を参照されたい.その後,表-1に示すような教員が研究室の教育研究活動を担ってきたが,すべての教員経験者が国内外の大学において海岸工学に関わる教育研究で活躍している.これまでに,研究室で学部の卒業論文の指導を行った学生は約200人,大学院の修士論文では約150人,博士論文では約30人である.博士論文には社会人課程博士を含み,さらに論文博士を加えて,最先端の研究を行っている.これらの卒業生は,「卒業・修了生の進路」に示すように、官民学にわたる様々な分野において活躍している.研究成果の多くは、土木学会海岸工学講演会、海洋開発シンポジウム、国際海岸工学会議(ICCE)などで発表されるとともに、Coastal Engineering Journalなどの論文誌に掲載されている。1966年には、日本で初めて国際海岸工学会議を東京で開催し、本研究室のスタッフがその運営に中心的に関わった。

Coastal Engineering Laboratory (CEL) is descended from the second course of Civil Engineering established since the founding of the University of Tokyo. The course had contributed to the modern development of port and harbor engineering in Japan, in which no research laboratory, however, had been placed for a long time. In the early 1950s, Prof. Masashi Hom-ma asked Kiyoshi Horikawa, a graduate student at that time, to major in Coastal Engineering, and later in 1954, CEL was established when Horikawa was appointed as an associate professor. Prof. Horikawa started the research and education of coastal engineering utilizing his experience as a visiting associate professor at the UC Berkley from 1957 to 1959. Since then, CEL played an active role in coastal engineering research, and contributed to organize the 10th International Conference on Coastal Engineering in Tokyo, 1966 (Fig. 1). CEL has been producing a number of coastal engineers and researchers and some of them became CEL staffs as listed in Table 1.

Fig.1 Participants of ICCE held in Tokyo

Tab. 1 CEL staffs and research topics


Research equipment
Research Topic
1950s 1950第1回海岸工学国際会議/ 1st ICCE浮遊砂捕砂器/Sand trap equipment 
 本間 仁
Masashi Hom-ma
1953台風13号/ Typhoon No.13浮遊砂濃度計/Sediment concentration meter堤防・突堤・潜堤の効果/Effects of coastal dikes, jetties, submerged breakwaters
Kiyoshi Horikawa
1954第1回海岸工学講演会/ 1st JSCE Conf. on Coastal Engineering 底面境界層内の乱れと底質の浮遊機構/bottom boundary layer flows and sediment suspension
  1956海岸法成立/ Coast law in Japan 湾内の長周期波/Sea and bay seiches
  1959伊勢湾台風/ Typhoon Vera 津波防波堤の効果/ Tsunami breakwater
1960s 1960チリ地震津波/Chilean Earthquake Tsunami容量式波高計/ Capacitance-type wave gauge波力の発生機構/ Mechanism of wave force
  1963鹿島港着工/ Constrction of Kashima Port超音波式波高計/ Ultrasonic wave gauge浅海域における高潮モデルの開発/ Modeling Storm surges in shallow water
  1966離岸堤/ Detached breakwaters電磁流速計/ Electromagnetic current meter波による底質の移動限界/ Incipient motion of coastal sediments
Hitoshi Nishimura
   海浜流の野外調査/ Field observations of neashore currents
 渡辺 晃
Akira Watanabe
 赤潮・青潮の多発/ blue and red tides 陸上に氾濫した津波の挙動/ Tsunami inundation behaviors
     海浜断面変形機構/ Coastal topography changes
Tsuguo Sunamura
1970台風10号高知上陸/ Typhoon No. 10不規則波造波水槽/Irregular wavemaker崖侵食調査/ Coastal cliff erosion
 水口 優
Masaru Mizuguchi
  大型計算機のバッチ処理/ Batch processing by computers海浜流・長周期波の発達機構/ Neashore currents and infragravity waves
     係留浮体の運動モデル/ Modeling moored floating structure
Masahiko Isobe
   保存波の理論展開 / Permanent wave theory
Nobuo Mimura
   波・流れ・海浜過程の現地観測/ Field observations of neashore waves and currents
  1979台風20号高知、静岡上陸/ Typhoon No. 20振動流装置/Oscillatory fow tank温排水の拡散機構/ Hot water diffusion
Tomoya Shibayama
1983日本海中部地震津波/ Japan Sea Tsunami大型計算機のTSS利用/ Computer usage by TSS三次元海浜変形モデルの開発/ 3D beach deformation model
Shinji Sato
1985人工リーフ、ヘッドランド/ Submerged breakwaters and headlands反射波吸収式造波装置/ Abosorbing wavemaker非線形波動下での砂移動/ Sediment transport under nonlinear waves
Takashi Izumiya
 赤潮・青潮・水質問題/ Coastal water pollutionレーザドップラ流速計/ Laser Doppler velocimeter方向スペクトルの推定法/ Estimation of directional wave spectrum
Tomonao Kobayashi
  多方向波発生装置/ Multi-directional wavemaker砕波帯の乱れと戻り流れ/ Undertow in surf zones
Hiromune Yokoki
1990台風19号/Typhoon No.19PC, Work Stationによる分散処理/ Parallel computing by PC and Workstation底泥の運動機構/ Coastal mud transport
 Dibajnia Mohammad1993北海道南西沖地震津波/ Hokkaido Earthquake Tsunamiスーパーコンピュータ/ Super computerシートフロー漂砂/Sheet-flow sediment transport
 余 錫平
Xiping Yu
   非線形波動モデルの開発/ Nonlinear wave model
 佐々木 淳
Jun Sasaki
1995海岸長期ビジョン音響ドップラ式流速計/ Ultrasonic Doppler velocimeter海面上昇の影響予測/ Impacts of sea level rise
  1997ナホトカ号重油流出事故/ NAKHODKA oil spill 短波レーダーによる観測/ HF rader observation三次元海浜変形モデルの現地適用/ Fileld application of 3D beach deformation model
    水質計/ Water quality meter内湾流動モデルの開発と青潮予測/ 
   環境影響評価法高速ビデオカメラ/ High-speed camera内湾水質・生態系モデルの開発
  1999海岸法一部改正/Amendment of coast law 混合粒径底質の移動
Yukio Koibuchi
2003十勝沖地震/Tokachi-oki earthquakeC/Nコーダー/ CN coder内湾水質・生態系モデルの現地適用
Takahide Honda
  レーザー回折式粒度測定装置/ laser diffraction particle size distribution measurements二相流底質移動モデルの開発/ Two-phase sediment transport model
  2004インド洋大津波/ Indian Ocean Tsunami  
Yoshimitsu Tajima
2005カトリーナ高潮/ Hurricane Katrina  
 劉 海江
Haijing Liu
2007天竜川ダム再編事業、遠州灘プロジェクト/ Enshu projectOSL/TL測定装置/ OSL/TL Reader流砂系の土砂移動/ Sediment transport in entire sedimentary system
Tomohiro Takagawa
2008 地中コア試料の分析、監視カメラによる分析/Video monitoring河口の水理と土砂動態/ Rivermouth hydrodynamics and sesiment transport
2010s 2011東日本大震災/ 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami津波被害調査/post-tsunami coastal surveys巨大水害と減災技術/Megadisaster mitigation
  2012三保松原景観改善/ Miho no Matsubara 海岸防護と環境との調和/ Coastal protection and landscape
Takenori Shimozono
2013Haiyan高潮災害/ Typhoon HaiyanUAV巨大水害軽減学教育P/ Educational program for disaster mitigation 
Yusuke Yamanaka
2017 台風時の海岸長周期波の発達/ Infragravity wave development during coastal storms
  2018台風21号24号/ Typhoon No.21 and 24台風被災調査/ post-typhoon coastal surveys海岸地形モニタリング手法/ Monitoring methods of coastal topography
  2019台風15号19号/ Typhoon No.15 and 19 海岸礫輸送モデルの開発/ Coastal gravel transport model

過去の研究 / Past studies in CEL

波・流れ / Waves & Currents


Waves of different time scales are major forces to the coastal system. Long waves such as tsunamis and storm surges pose a threat to coastal areas. In the 1960s, after coastal devastation by the Great Chilean Tsunami, long-wave dynamics in coastal zones were actively studied: representative topics were bay water response to long waves, coastal storm-surge modeling, tsunami inundation behaviors, and resulting forces. These studies involve field observation, flume experiments, theoretical analysis, and numerical modeling, and the major research approaches today were established during this period. Subsequently, the research field was shifted to sandy coasts where field observations were conducted to understand nearshore currents and infragravity waves. Various methods in fields were developed, such as balloon observation, which paved a way for quantification of coastal processes. Theoretical studies of permanent waves started in the later 1970s. High-order permanent wave solutions were derived with the help of computers, and the applicabilities of different theories were clarified.

1976年から1982年にかけて大学や研究機関が合同で現地観測を行ったが,堀川清司教授がその代表者として主導的な役割を果たした.この研究では,海浜変形の数値シミュレーションモデルを開発することを最終目標に掲げ,そのために必要となる現地データを取得するための観測を毎年行った(Fig. 1).波・流れの関係では,屈折・回折・砕波変形を含む波浪変形シミュレーションモデルが開発され,線形理論に基づくものながら,砕波帯付近の規則波の変形が予測できるようになった.やがて,波の不規則性を取り入れたモデルも開発した.現地観測からは,砕波帯付近の波動場の特性について多くの新たな知見を得ることとなるとともに,ここで開発された現地観測手法を始めとして,後の観測に様々な知見を提供した.方向スペクトルの推定理論に関する研究における現地観測もその一つであり,開発された推定理論は実務でも頻繁に用いられるものとなった.1990年代に入ると,弱い非線形・分散性の波に対して既に開発されていたブシネスク方程式に加え,強い非線形・分散性の波にも適用可能な非線形緩勾配方程式を導き,それらに基づく数値モデルの開発を行った.これにより,強い非線形性を呈する波形でも予測可能となり,非線形性が本質的な要素 である漂砂や波力問題への応用への道を開いた.

From 1976 to 1982, Prof. Horikawa led a joint project for comprehensive observations of coastal processes by different universities and research institutes. He set the project goal to develop a predictive model for beach deformation and conducted a series of field observations to acquire in-situ data for model development (Fig. 1). In terms of waves and currents, a coastal wave model was developed to reproduce wave refraction, diffraction, and wave breaking in nearshore areas. The model based on the linear theory was capable of simulating the transformation of regular waves in surf zones and was later extended for irregular wave deformation. The project contributed to advance our knowledge, especially on surf zone hydrodynamics, and provide various in-situ data and field methodologies. The estimation method of directional wave spectra had also resulted from the project, which was later employed widely in coastal engineering practices. In the 1990s, wave models were further developed on the basis of weakly dispersive nonlinear wave equations (Boussinesq-type equations) and strongly dispersive nonlinear wave equations (Nonlinear mild-slope equations). These models enabled us to simulate coastal waves of strong nonlinearity which plays a vital role in sediment transport and wave forces on coastal structures.

Fig. 1: 総合現地観測 / Comprehensive field observations



Coastal and harbor structures require resistance against strong forces due to storm waves and tsunamis. From the 1950s to 1960s, some basic types of coastal structures today, such as coastal dikes, revetments, jetties, and submerged breakwaters, were experimentally studied for their resistance and coastal protection capability. Since wave forces on coastal structures vary with wave conditions and structural properties, laboratory experiments were conducted for wave pressures on vertical walls and cylinders under a variety of wave conditions including wave breaking. Base on these laboratory data, wave pressure formulas were created and applied to the design of coastal structures throughout Japan. Coastal structures in the earlier period were built on an ad-hoc basis, but these studies provided rational methods of coastal structure design.


Afterward, a variety of coastal structures had been installed in coastal zones with expanding human activities. Behaviors of floating breakwaters and other moored-type structures were studied via laboratory experiments and predictive models for wave-structure interactions were developed in the background of growing computer powers and development of experimental devices such as multi-directional irregular wavemakers. Coastal protection in the early stage was mainly implemented with vertical structures on the immediate shore and was later shifted to employ a combined approach using different types of structures, such as a combination of detached breakwaters and mild-slope revetments. In this trend, new types of structures such as artificial reefs and headlands became subjects of research in CEL. Coastal protection rapidly advanced in the 1980s and greatly contributed to enhancing the safety and accessibility of coastal zones throughout the country. On the other hand, coastlines were increasingly altered by massive concrete structures, and people became aware of their negative impacts on coastal topography and water quality in the surroundings. In recent years, there have been growing demands for methods of assessing structural impacts on the coastal system. In CEL, more studies of coastal structures have recently focused on the optimization for safety, environment, and efficiency.



Coastal sediment transport and morphological changes are closely related to nearshore hydrodynamics. Therefore, sediment transport studies had been carried out in line with the studies of waves and currents. From the 1950s to 1960s, CEL mainly focused on sediment transport out of surf zones and developed a theory for incipient motions of sediments under oscillatory boundary layer flows. Also, experimental studies on boundary-layer turbulence and sediment suspension were conducted to formulate the suspended sediment transport. These early studies provided a basis for local sediment transport formulas later developed in CEL. Subsequently, coastal morphological processes were investigated through field surveys and laboratory experiments and were empirically parameterized. The intensive field studies from 1976 to 1982 greatly advanced the theories, observation techniques and numerical models of coastal processes. The comprehensive field dataset confirmed the practical applicability of shoreline evolution models and led to the development of a 3D beach deformation model based on local sediment transport formulas.


The sediment transport studies were initially implemented under regular sinusoidal waves and were later expanded to account for wave irregularity, multi-directionality, and nonlinearity. Sediment transport models were also developed for more realistic wave conditions. The advancement of experimental facilities enabled laboratory tests of sediment transport under high-speed flows in a real scale, and the research target shifted from suspended sediment transport to sheet-flow sediment transport that occurs under intensive flows in surf zones. The sediment condition was also extended from uniformly grained sediments to mixed grained sediments and cohesive sediments.



In the 1990s, CEL extended its research field to coastal water quality and ecosystem. Before that, CEL had some experiences of studying coastal hot-water diffusion issues to assess the impacts of nuclear power plants increasingly constructed in the 1970s. Meanwhile, semi-enclosed bays and inner seas of Japan had steadily suffered from red tides and anoxic waters. In Tokyo Bay, the fishery industry incurred serious damage from blue tides.

これらの問題に対し,海洋学や水産学の立場から現象解明に向けた研究が進められていたが,問題解決に結びつけていくためには,様々な方策の影響・効果を事前に予測することが必要となってくる.このような社会的要請と近年のコンピュータの急速な発達を背景として,数値モデルによる水質予測手法の開発に着手することとなった.まず,最も基本的な部分である水温・塩分場を含む流れ場の予測手法を開発した.その際には風や密度差に起因する微細な時空間変動を考慮した上で,年オーダの長期にわたる時々刻々の現象を忠実に再現することを基本方針とし,このような長期大規模計算に耐えうるよう,精度と効率のバランスを重視したモデルを開発した(Fig. 2).次いで本モデルを東京湾における青潮問題に適用し,現地観測と併せて青潮の発生機構と予測に関する研究を進めてきた.これに溶存酸素濃度や植物プランクトンといった水質・生物項目を取り入れることで,内湾水質・生態系予測モデルの基本的な部分を構築した.

The phenomena that caused the water quality issues had been studied in oceanography and fisheries science, but resolving the issues required prediction of the effects of possible countermeasures. With the social demands and growing computational performance, CEL started numerical modeling of water quality changes in semi-enclosed seawater. First, a basic model was developed to predict water temperature and salinity changes considering the effects of winds and density effects. The model was aimed at reproducing relevant phenomena on an annual time scale by achieving the balance of accuracy and computational efficiency. With a combined approach of the model and field observations, the blue tides in Tokyo Bay have been intensively studied for elucidation and prediction of the phenomena (Fig. 2). The model was further extended to include chemical and ecological processes. This line of study is being pursued in Sasaki laboratory of Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.

Fig. 2:東京湾湾奥における水温の長期再現計算(上:観測値,下:計算値)
A long-term simulation of water temperature at the head of Tokyo Bay
(upper: observation, lower: model)